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Meet the Staff

Pastor Ted R. House

was born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He was saved and baptized at the age of seventeen at Ambassador Baptist Temple. In 1981, he married his sweetheart, Carol. They have two daughters, Sara Jordan (husband Jason Jordan) and Katie Brown (husband Kenny Brown), and seven grandchildren who are actively serving the Lord at Bible Baptist Church, Mt. Orab.


Reverend House was called into full-time ministry in 1987, shortly thereafter, he enrolled at Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri. He graduated in 1992 with a B.S. in Pastoral Ministries and a minor in Music. After his third year of college, he accepted the pastorate at the Beth Haven Baptist Church in Walnut Grove, Missouri. In 1990, he was ordained and served as their pastor for four years.


In February of 1994, Reverend House joined the staff at Bible Baptist Church, Mt. Orab. He served as the assistant to the pastor, Dr. Charles H. Smith, as well as the Music Director and the Sunday School Superintendent. In May of 2015, Bible Baptist Church, Mt. Orab called Reverend House as pastor.


Mr. Dominic Illingworth

was born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida, and is a 2011 graduate of West Nassau High School. He was saved and baptized at the age of sixteen at Liberty Baptist Church in Callahan, Florida. Since graduating, Mr. Illingworth has lived in Alabama and Tennessee, attending and serving at Trinity Baptist Church and Redemption Baptist Church. Mr. Illingworth has roots in the Bluegrass and Bluegrass Gospel community, traveling and performing for eight years professionally.


In 2014, Mr. Illingworth met his lovely wife, Samantha, and moved to Bethel, Ohio shortly after that. They were married in June of 2019 and moved to Mt. Orab where they began attending Bible Baptist Church, Mt. Orab. In the spring of 2021, Mr. Illingworth felt the call from the Lord for full-time ministry. In October of 2021, he joined the Bible Baptist Church, Mt. Orab staff where he is currently working as an Assistant to Pastor Ted R. House and is the 6th-12th grade Abundant Student Ministries Youth Director.

Mr. Rob Moore

was raised in Goshen, Ohio. He graduated from Goshen High School in 2005 and met his wife, Melissa, a year later. They were married in 2010, and they have two beautiful daughters. He was saved at the age of 28 and was baptized shortly after. In 2022, Mr. Moore earned his Bachelor's Degree from Louisiana Baptist University.


Mr. Moore and his family joined Bible Baptist Church, Mt. Orab in the spring of 2018. He joined the Bible Baptist Church, Mt. Orab staff at the beginning of 2021. Mr. Moore serves as an Assistant to Pastor Ted R. House, works in the Adult Sunday School Ministry, and is the Bus Ministry and Evangelism/Outreach Director.

Reverend Terry F. Taylor

was born and raised in Southern Ohio. He and his wife, Carol, were already married when he was saved through the ministry of Bible Baptist Church, Mt. Orab. Rev. Taylor began serving in the church after he was saved and baptized in 1975. It was not long after that the Lord began to speak to the Taylor's hearts concerning full-time ministry.


In 1977, they left for Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri and in 1980 Rev. Taylor graduated from the Missions Course. In 1985, Rev. Taylor and his family went to Papua New Guinea where they spent the next twenty years as missionaries with the Baptist Bible Fellowship. They started eleven churches while there. As their ministry grew, so did their family, to a total of seven children. After leaving Papua New Guinea, they spent seven years in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, starting one church while there. Then in 2015, it was on to Trinidad and Tobago helping in the work of the Gospel.


In November of 2015, Rev. Taylor joined the staff at Bible Baptist Church, Mt. Orab, his home church. He currently serves in the Children's Ministries.

Mr. Avery Morgan

was born and raised in Sardinia, Ohio. He has attended Bible Baptist Church, Mt. Orab since he was a small child. At the age of fourteen, he was saved at church camp and baptized the following Sunday. Since then, Bro. Morgan has served the Lord in many different capacities.


Bro. Morgan is a 2013 graduate of Western Brown High School and Chatfield College. He participated in a post-secondary program enabling him to simultaneously graduate from high school and earn a liberal arts degree with a concentration in business. In 2015, he graduated from Wilmington College with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and a minor in Economics.


In May of 2015, Mr. Morgan married his sweet wife Keylashae. They have two sons. In November of 2013, Bro. Morgan joined the staff at Bible Baptist Church, Mt. Orab. He currently serves as the Choir and Music Director.

Office Staff

Mrs. Carolyn Rom

Receptionist & 

Sunday School Secretary

Mrs. Michele Griffin

Office Manager &

Financial Secretary

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